moon boy

“Andy-man,” I call up at him. “Where are your clothes?”
e says nothing. He’s a shadow.
turn to Jefferson. tell him, “Let me get this one. I’ll find you if he’s too much.”
He nods and trudges back towards the party. I look back up at the figure in the tree. “What are you doing?” I ask in vain. “Come down from there, man.”
“Andy!” I bark. “Get the fuck down.”
inally, Andy looks at me. He’s white as a ghost. His mouth moves slowly. He says, “The moon…” and then turns his view back towards the sky.
“What?” I don’t hear him.
“The moon…” he repeats in this very calm and peaceful voice. He points up above him.
look up. “It’s the fucking moon!” I yell explanations at him. “Get the hell down here!”
ndy is oblivious. He crosses his legs. Thank God.
“Don’t make me come up there.”
ndy looks at me like I’m missing something quite obvious. “The moon…” he says it like he’s trying to convince me.
“Yes, yes. The moon. I get it.” I’m losing what little patience I once had. “Now get down here and put some clothes on for god sakes.”
his goes on for a good, solid fifteen minutes before Andy finally climbs out of the tree. I give him my jacket. He puts it on like pants. 
All the while, Andy keeps mumbling about the circle in the sky. I get him back into the house and find him some clothes. People in the house are all staring when I hobble by with Andy. They all are asking each other who he is. 
I put Andy in his own bedroom and debate whether or not to leave him there. He thinks he gets his face stuck to the wall. He mumbles, “The moon…”

vacattac#write #writer #writing#notallvampiressuckblood #newyork #nyc#college #party #nudity #tree #truth#moon #face #god #sky #drug

monster me i

Television lies. It’s not the reality it pretends to represent. 
College changes everything. Here I begin to see and understand .
Who you are at the start and end are complete strangers.
Some say there’s a specific moment in which you begin to leave your old self behind.
I’ve seen far too many people come only to self-destruct. Breakdowns, overdoses and blatant evil. I love watching this happen. I watch for that exact point. The initial crack.

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sign on the door i

Kathy watches the screensaver on the computer monitor. It’s the one where little white pixels that are supposed to be stars fly by, pass you, to provide the illusion of traveling through space. 

Very Star Trek. Very retro.

Jack is on his cell phone, surfing the internet or something. Here, but not. 

The joint clip smolders in the ash tray just before him.

Zoë smiles and slowly twirls her costume-jewelry necklace. It looks cheap. It’s probably expensive.

I’m thinking about the way it used to be.

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