existential elevator


Ignored, I leave. Sit alone, at my desk, back in the dorm room with the lights out. My roommate gone, off somewhere.
ever here. Dead, probably.
Did I kill him?


Wonder scenarios.
Shrug at the paranoia that builds.

Then later, it is two AM in the elevator. I come up from the lobby.
The elevator doors close.


This frumpy drunk girl asks me, “Zombies or werewolves?”
“Damien,” I tell her.
She smiles. “I like where your head’s at.”
Smile back. Intrigued. She’s not too bad. Fifteen pounds from being a knockout.
Second floor.
“I've never been to Disney world,” she tells me. She runs through a check list in her mind.
Ask, “No?”
She shakes her head.
“That's a fucking shame.”
“You think so?” She leans in a little, sways. She smiles upward, at me. “Big grin.”
“I'm trying to find Nirvana.”
“Did you check the CD rack?”
“I can dig it,” she says.
Fifth floor.
“The sky was so red, tonight." She asks, "Did you see it?”
Sixth floor.
“That mean’s it’ll snow.” I tell her. “No, it doesn’t.” “Sure. I heard it somewhere.”

Seventh.“Well, then of course.”
Eighth floor.
“Don't I know you from somewhere?”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Aren't you the guy,” she pauses.
“Yeah,” I say. “I'm the guy”. hatever that means.
“I knew it.” She bounces and grabs my arm lightly. “It's a total honor to meet you.”
“Thanks,” I say. “Wait. Who do you think I am right now?”
Eleven. The elevator stops moving. The doors open. She lets go of my arm but doesn’t back away. She flashes a quick smile. She looks up at me. We both step out.
Frumpy tells me, “I'm not really sure.”
I say, “Me neither.”


 #prose #writing#notallvampiressuckblood #novel #preview#promo #elevator #sky #red #conversation#vampire #werewolf #damien #nirvana