monster me i

adulthood. A fabricated concept. A widespread game of make-believe. The prize promised by a rigged carnival game. Television lies. It’s not the reality it pretends to represent. 
College changes everything. Here I begin to see and understand .
Who you are at the start and end are complete strangers.
Some say there’s a specific moment in which you begin to leave your old self behind.
I’ve seen far too many people come only to self-destruct. Breakdowns, overdoses and blatant evil. I love watching this happen. I watch for that exact point. The initial crack.
Tomorrow morning will be the worst day of this girl’s life, but tonight will be the best one. The present in the present, before it becomes the past. And what’s past is past. But the dropped philosophy major in me escapes.
The bed creaks and springs contract in darkness. I’m slightly drunk. Me feeling like I could move mountains, fight giants. Litterally, of course.
She whispers my name. I thought she didn’t remember. It looks ugly on her lips, the way her mouth moves. Tight, then loose.
What did you expect?

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