monster me ii

I’m starting to wonder if any of this is even real. Some times it sure seems like none of it is.

I’m talking long-term, big-picture.

None of my actions ever have consequences. I am yet to see a single shred of evidence to suggest that what happens here will impact my life, greatly, later on.

’m becoming suspicious that responsibility is just a concept fathomed up by an earlier generation of adults who were petrified of their children.

Think about it.

No one wants to have their power and position taken away. Regardless of how well you may or may not have raised your offspring, they will never be good enough, smart enough, or tough enough in your eyes to take over for you.

o one really wants to admit this to his or her self, but deep down on some submerged level, our parents hate us.

Their parents hated them and we will, consequently, hate our children, as well.

Who wants to be ousted from their throne?

Imagine how it would feel knowing that the one person, whom you guided, ate with, laughed with, cried for, and taught everything you knew to was only training for the chance to one day, when they have grown strong and you have become weak, take your place.


That’s how it must seem.

They say that this is growing up.


#adult #responsibility #watch #write#writer #writing #time #truth #inspiration#phantom #author #stop #star #smile#smoke #school #drink #destruction #face#eye #evil #notallvampiressuckblood #love#college #book #bleed #blood