pep talk i

lies. its all about lies and the trouble with deceit is it is a living thing, that squats in the corner our heads.

once born, it grows until its too big for the room. 

then the house and the world.


you can’t keep track of the lies. the government lies.

the media.

you befriend. your girlfriend.your wife.

your life.


you lie.

everyone does.


     and its all because


     at some point,

     began to participate in the breeding of these lies.


. who knows why?.

its not important.

really. the fact is you did.

you do.


about people, events, things.

Nouns at least.  Verbs too. 

they all were in flux as you participated in your own provisioned reimagining of reality. 

Wrap your head.


    things, yourself included, are much more interesting here. but ultimately the grasp on true truth is slipping.

slipped as all the lies got repeated. 

You have lost touch.


    memories from child hood were stolen from television. people replaced with now dead but slightly better known people. actors.

the problem being for the most part, you were unconscious of the ficticousness of the whole situation.

You didn’t see the fallacy. 

Couldn’t grasp it. 

the lie exposing it self.



    if you are a liar, then so am i.

so is everyone else. they had to be. doing the same sick imagining as you. creating fictions to fill in the gaps about people.

The back story. 

about the world. things. ways.

     everything lies to you. tries to pull one oveer on you for reasons you can only begin to imagine.

and imagine, you do.


    the twisting



the suspicion. the doubt.

the irrationality of the whole damn thing. echos in your ears, as you calculate.


come upon the crisises always with an approach of finality.

     try to outsmart it.

     out think.


     mistakes. you can't see them until they’re far too small in the rearview mirror. It’s a you problem. not an anyone else thing.

the answer, you think, has always been there. previously chosen not to be seen.

     You have lost your mind.

     harvest crops. take them in when they are ripe and plant new seeds, fresh ones, once again, when the soil is fertile.