illiterati i

go to class and, no shit, try to take notes. record. The instructor, some TA, talks about a German philosopher’s novel,

no one read.


TA says:

the second half is concerned with judgement.

     the most treacherous thing is to judge

or be judged

without a sense of law.


see face in some type of reflection.

inherent vanity in this also. 

     the idea is to constantly reflect on self.

     accept judgments of others before judging others.

     one less tension to worry about.

     narration is a lie.

     autobiographic surface. self reflective.

     author. narrator. reader.

     becoming a good person is a gradual process and this book, this story, can be something the reader can come back to during the times of self reflection and growth.

and grow.

     we are all judges and confessors.

all are. 

awareness has levels.

I and you becomes we. 

     who does he admire? idols with feet of clay?

     there are good things you can do to try to do some good in the world.

don't stress out about yourself. 

do something and be happy.


Later, let Kathy read these notes.

     She tells me, “This doesn’t make any sense.”

     “I didn’t do the reading,” I tell her.
