2:45 AM

Get a phone call in the middle of the night. It's from a blocked number. Don't want to answer it. But the ringing wakes me and I answer without even realizing.
I wait. Try to sound awake.
"Hello." I say.
#Nothing silence.
I check the display. The #call is still connected.
#Silence. I listen close. I close my eyes and cover my other ear.
Nothing. But not nothing. There's a kind of white noise. A hum really coming over the line.
Who is this?" I ask. The s hisses. 
Whoever calls doesn't hang up, they don't do anything.
I can't even detect breathing.
"I know someone is there."
My heart beat quickens. I feel it in my skull. 
I hang up the phone.
Take a deep breath. Breathe through my nose. Get out of bed. Turn the lights on.
My roommate isn't here. I check the time. It's almost three.
I guess he went home with a girl tonight.#Good for him.
I grab the jeans off of the top of the pile of clothes on the closet floor.
Take a sweat shirt from the back of a chair and zip it up instead of even looking for a shirt. I pack my pockets for keys, whatever, and head outside onto the floor.
Most of the other rooms have their doors closed for the night. I head to the stairs. Christian is slumped against the door to the stairway. He sits on the floor, uses his back, his weight, to keep the door from opening.
"Whats up, man?" I ask. approach.
"Andy picked a fight with some sophomores at the bar. I'm keeping them from killing him."
Christian nods. "What about the elevator?"
"That's what I like about you, man. You're always thinking."
"That's me," I say. shrug.
Turn and walk to the elevator. Pass Andy.
"Don't get killed,"I tell him.
But #someone else can handle this.



#prose #lit #write #writer #book#notallvampiressuckblood #navsb