post i



Imagine. This huge new York party

This knockout in a red dress comes over to you.

She smiles.

Smile back.

Make with the introductions.

"What's your name?"

"I'm Becky."

"Really? Nice name."

She smiles wider.

Moves closer to the bar. Closer to me.

"Short for Rebecca?"

"Actually. It's short for Becca."

"Becky short for Becca."

"Got it," I say.

I do.

"Can I call you Becca? I think I like it better."

"Becky is fine."

"Hell of a party."

"Its a pretty good group."

"What do you do?" she asks.

"I'm a writer, actually."


She lowers her eyes.

Thinks something.


"What have you written? Anything I know?"

"Just two books," I say.

Blank and blank.

They're pretty big right now in the high schools. Some colleges. Publishers are pushing a YA slant. Which is cool because that's the big market right now. That's what sells. Did you know there are 70 million children in America alone.

"Becky, what do you do?"

"I'm an actress."


That is

really cool.