lyrica ii


Title: "Undefined Recovery"

Artist: Duke (Of Dark Corners)

AlbumPlenty Of Country To Go Around


Sitting Shotgun

for the ride

Won’t be caught

until we’ve died

We’ll be singing,

“At least we tried.”

This is how you pass the buck

This is how you pass the buck


Off the hook

they Drop Like Flies

sleep’n dogs tell their lies

Tell them,

“it's a blessing in disguise”

This is how you press your luck

This is how you press your luck



When we Wine and dine

You’re doing just fine

And through the grapevine

your guess is as good as

Mind your manners, wipe your feet

Now give us something good to eat.



On your toes;

out on a limb

Against the current

we all swim

That extra mile

can look grim

This is how you get unstuck

This is how you

get unstuck



on the ropes

 Cross the bridge and

go for broke

Let them in on the joke

This is how you give a fuck

This is how you give a fuck



When we Wine and dine

You’re doing just fine

And through the grapevine

your guess

is as good as

Mind your manners,

take your seat

Now promise you can be discreet.


This is how you

pass the buck

This is how you

press your luck

This is how you

get unstuck

This is how you

give a fuck

This is how

This is how


When we Wine and dine

You’re doing just fine

And through the grapevine

your guess is as good as

Mind your manners, find your feet

Now be sure you can stand the heat.

This is how.