seducing the dashboard hula girl i


If everyone is thinking alike, someone is not thinking.

Someone’s not thinking.  

So, let’s try not to over-think this, now.  

It’s so simple.   You’ve seen and heard the how-to guide, time and time again.

So,  what’s the problem?

Try taking a deep breath.

Go ahead.


Hold it in.



     slowly let it out.

There you go.  

Very good.


     doesn’t that feel


Here, let’s loosen that blouse button.  

Here, let’s loosen it.  

Try not to be so stiff.   It’ll age you.  

That sweet little face of yours.  


Just be, you know, loosey-goosey.  

No one has to know about this, that is, unless you want them to.  

And then, ask yourself, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

What’s your plan?


Where do you see yourself?  

Everyone’s got dreams, you know.  

What do you dream about?   I can make that all come true.  

Don’t you want that?   Oh, of course you do.

Now, just relax.  

Oh, come on.   What are you afraid of?  


Think about it.  

Think about

how good you know

it will feel.

And as much as you might want to be elsewhere, the beach maybe, we both know you have to be here.  

So, you can be here and enjoy it.

Don’t you like that?  

The power.  

How it makes you feel.  


And you say crazy like it’s a bad thing.


Try to look at it as selectively motivated and not crazy.