mortality i


"I'm really upset."

She tells me. 

"I found out a good friend from high school died last night.

“Oh no,” I say. Death shocks me numb. “What happened?”

“He fell from a rooftop.”

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“Truth,” she says. I believe her.

“You ok?”

She nods. 

“Shell shocked.” 

She bums a cigarette and lights it.

“It’s so surreal.”

“How'd he fall?” I ask.

“Apparently, he was having sex.”

Stare. Wait.

“He and this girl were drunk, coming back from the bar. They went up on a nearby roof top. Somehow got in and up the 5 flights. I guess he lost balance, during. And they fell.”

“She fell too?”

“Both of them. Both dead. Naked on the pavement. No one found them until morning.”

There's a building stretch of time. I can see she thinks about it.

“Who was the girl?”

“Just some girl. It's stupid you know. A great guy. He really was. It fucking sucksAnd now and now.” She drifts again.

“Splat,” I say.

She chortles a laugh.

“Splat, yeah.”


And I know. I can see some kind of history, here.

There is a larger back-story. One I will never know.  I can only guess.

“Well,” I tell her. “It's certainly a good way to go, I guess.”


I shrug. “Its quick and you're so happy you’re getting laid that you don't even realize.”

She contemplates and smiles.  Stif.

“But hey, I’m running late.” Kathy says. “Jack is picking me up.”

“Ok,” I say. “Cool.”

“It’s good to see you.” She smiles.

“Yeah,” I agree.

“And hey, Kathy, if you ever need anything. Ever need to talk

I'm hear.”




She hugs me.

“I know,” she says. Kathy kisses my cheek as she starts to pull away and go.

“See you around.”

“See you,” I say.

Things feel right. I feel like me.

Batteries charged.