hypothetical madness i

I know what's happened. But I don't even know why it's happened. And that, not knowing, drives me crazy.

     Mental illness is just a mindset everyone feels.

     A little crazy from time to time.

All of us.

And there's nothing wrong with that. It’s healthy, okay?  Sometimes it's alright to feel a little off.

     It's a crazy world that constantly tries to leave you feeling depressed or manic or antisocial or pathological.   There have always been those who let themselves feel this way.   It seems like there’s a lot more of them now.

     There's nothing

     Wrong with that. In fact,

     Not getting a little crazy from time to time

     Is the crazy thing.

     “Me thinks she doth protest too much,” she tells me.


     “No one’s disagreeing with you about that, but because it's something that's kind of a no-brainier. It's weird to bring it up. To talk about it, in social settings.”

     “Gotcha,” I say.  Nod.

     She nods and plays with a strand of her hair.

     “Thanks for the advice, K.”

     “No problem,” she replies.