conciling chris ii

Christian's younger brother, Ed, Eddie, visits and he recognizes my last name.   He tells me he goes to school with Chris.

“You related,” he asks, before a group of us head out to the bar.

Tell him, “My cousin.

Later, drunk, he elaborates.   He wants to know the deal.

“that dude is destined to take a fall,” he tells me and I don’t know why.   “He’s destined to go down.”

I take this in, stew, boil.   Get blind drunk.

Even later, I punch Ed, Eddie, in the face.

Imagine it.   Pretend.

It doesn’t really happen.

Let it run through your mind.

I lean across the table and ask, “What do you know about destiny?” `

Through the blasting speakers, a song I don’t know, the kid yells apologies.

“He’s a cool kid though.”   He tells me, “I mean, funny as hell.  Just sort of tragic, somehow.”

     In the middle of all of this, Christian sort of comes to his brother’s aid.  

He tells me, “Maybe the details would be easier if you paid more attention,”

I look at him, unsure of what he’s saying.

“Maybe you shouldn’t drink so much.”

Let this go.  Drink some more.