OBSOLETE: A Teacher’s Tale (of tomorrow, today!)


Obsolete by Kevin Vachna is a thought-provoking graphic novel that delves into a world where advancements in technology have rendered many aspects of society obsolete.

Black Mirror meets Dead Poets Society, OBSOLETE is a thrilling adventure set in the near future, where technology is seamlessly integrated into every aspect of life, even within us.

Crime, disease, and poverty are nearly eradicated. Democracy is conducted in real-time with incredible efficiency. Holographic projections are readily available, immersing people in constant entertainment and communication.

However, there's a significant issue: children are becoming hyperactive, disconnected screen addicts.

The America Learns Initiative (ALI), a federal program under the Department of Restructure, proposes a solution: The Success Spheres! Promoting the mantra “Do nothing and learn!” this advanced technology promises to save the struggling school system, its students, and its teachers once and for all.

After an unauthorized history lesson, Professor T is reassigned to one of the worst-performing schools. There, unlikely allies and hidden threats lead T to uncover a conspiracy with sinister roots. What T discovers could potentially dismantle the ALI’s Success Sphere program and challenge the very foundations of society.


An Appeal to ALL Teachers & Students:

Dear Educators,

I am writing to recommend including OBSOLETE: A Teacher's Tale (of tomorrow, today!) by me (Kevin Vachna) in your curriculum for a science fiction, dystopian, or graphic novel unit. This original graphic novel offers a unique and engaging way to explore the themes of technology, societal change, and the human experience. OBSOLETE is inspired and written by real teachers and students for real teachers and students!! 

Subject Matter:

OBSOLETE is set in a near-future dystopian society where technology has advanced to the point of making human teachers (and school, in general) nearly redundant. The story follows a teacher and his students navigating this transformed world, offering a poignant look at the role of education and human connection in an era dominated by artificial intelligence and automation.

Themes and Educational Value:

  1. Relevance to Contemporary Issues: The novel addresses current debates about the impact of technology on jobs, privacy, and personal relationships. It prompts students to think critically about the future of education and the ethical implications of technological advancements.

  2. Engaging Storytelling and Visuals: The graphic novel format, with its dynamic illustrations and concise dialogue, can captivate students who might be less inclined to read traditional texts. It provides a visually stimulating way to discuss complex themes and keeps students engaged.

  3. Critical Thinking and Discussion: OBSOLETE encourages discussions on how technological progress might influence societal structures and individual lives. It raises questions about the value of human labor, the essence of teaching and school, and the potential consequences of a technology-driven future.

  4. Interdisciplinary Connections: The novel's themes are ripe for interdisciplinary exploration, tying into subjects like technology, ethics, sociology, and literature. This can foster a holistic learning experience, encouraging students to make connections between different fields of study.

Big Questions

  1. What are the ethical implications of advanced technology on society?

    • How does OBSOLETE explore the consequences of technological advancements on human life and society?

    • In what ways can technology both enhance and diminish the human experience?

  2. How does dystopian literature reflect contemporary societal concerns?

    • What aspects of today's world are mirrored in the dystopian setting of OBSOLETE?

    • How can dystopian stories serve as warnings or critiques of current social, political, and economic systems?

  3. What does it mean to be human in a technologically advanced society?

    • How do the characters in OBSOLETE struggle with their identities in a world dominated by technology?

    • What qualities define humanity in a world where technology can potentially surpass human capabilities?

  4. How do power and control manifest in dystopian societies?

    • How is power exerted and maintained in the world of OBSOLETE?

    • What are the methods of control used by those in power, and how do they impact the characters and their actions?

  5. What role does resistance play in dystopian narratives?

    • How do the characters in OBSOLETE resist or conform to the oppressive systems they live under?

    • What forms of resistance are depicted, and what are their outcomes?

Big Ideas

  1. Technological Dependence and Autonomy

    • The balance between leveraging technology for human advancement and maintaining autonomy.

    • The dangers of becoming overly reliant on technology to solve human problems.

  2. Identity and Humanity

    • The exploration of what it means to be human in a world where technological enhancements blur the lines between human and machine.

    • The struggle to maintain personal identity and humanity in the face of technological and societal pressures.

  3. Societal Control and Individual Freedom

    • The tension between societal control mechanisms and individual freedoms.

    • How authoritarian regimes in dystopian worlds use technology to enforce control and suppress dissent.

  4. Ethics and Morality

    • Ethical dilemmas posed by technological advancements, such as surveillance, genetic modification, and artificial intelligence.

    • Moral questions about the limits of technological intervention in human lives.

  5. Survival and Resistance

    • Themes of survival in harsh, controlled environments.

    • The various forms and philosophies of resistance against oppressive systems and their implications for society.

  6. Reflection of Contemporary Issues

    • The reflection of contemporary issues such as privacy, surveillance, inequality, and environmental degradation in dystopian settings.

    • How dystopian literature can provide insights into current societal trends and potential futures.

Suggested Learning Activities:

  • Introduction to dystopian literature and graphic novels.
    Read the first part of "OBSOLETE" and discuss initial impressions.

  • Analyze the narrative structure and visual storytelling techniques.
    Students create their own short graphic novel panels based on a prompt related to the novel's themes.

  • Draft a reflective essay on the societal implications presented in "OBSOLETE" and receive peer feedback.

  • Discuss career aspirations and the impact of technology on future job markets.
    Relate these discussions to the scenarios presented in "OBSOLETE."

  • Students write a personal narrative on their views of technology in education and submit for feedback.
    Reflect on feedback and revise narratives, focusing on personal growth and future outlook.

  • Revisit "OBSOLETE" and examine its ending and overall message.
    Discuss how it relates to students' future goals and societal roles.

  • Conduct a comparative analysis with another dystopian work, focusing on themes of technology and human interaction.

  • Finalize a comprehensive essay on the broader implications of the novel, incorporating peer and teacher feedback.

By integrating "OBSOLETE" into your curriculum, you provide students with a modern, relevant (and Sparknotes-free!) text that not only enhances their understanding of dystopian literature but also encourages them to think critically about the world around them and their place in it.

Please,contact me if you are interested in a free, full-text version of the book for your review and consideration.

For more information, please explore my website and the Amazon page for the book.

Best regards,

Kevin Vachna 

Veteran High School Teacher and Author